Words of Inspiration
Main Scripture: John 5:1-15 NKJV
Key Scripture
The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” John 5:7 NKJV
Scripture Lesson
In the above scripture we read the account of a man who was so used to man’s system he did not know Jesus or the workings of the supernatural. For 38 years his only knowledge about how he could be helped was looking at man’s system, seeking the hand of man and the knowledge of man. He was so used to things being a certain way he did not think it could be done otherwise.
According to the text, he was accustomed to the following routine:
- An angel had to stir up the waters
- A man had to put him in the waters
- He had to be the first to get in the waters to receive healing
So for 38 years this man had been so accustomed to this routine he did not think anything else could work for him. So when the Great Physician, the Lord of lords and Savior of the World approached him he did not know who He was. He did not have an idea what this great man could do for him. So instead of jumping at the opportunity when Jesus asked him the life- transforming, destiny-changing question, “Do you want to be whole?”, he started giving excuses! There is no man! Can you relate? Are you like this man, looking to men for what only God can do for you? Do you know that anything we put instead of God has become an idol? Are you seeking for man’s help when you should be seeking God’s help? Are you looking for man’s approval instead of God’s commendations? Have you given up hope on God and shifted your focus on man and your present condition? Do you even realize that Elo-Roi sees you? Do you know that the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him? (I Chronicles 16:9). Do you know that the eyes of the Lord are on you right now? Do you even realize that God never fails? Don’t put your trust in man, put it on God. Don’t look on to man for what God can give. Put your trust in God and He will never fail you. God had to change this man’s mindset.
I declare every negative mindset is destroyed. Every limiting thought, cycle and pattern is broken. As from today, may Heaven’s attention be on you. May you never miss your moment of visitation. May you be in the right place at the right time. May nothing, no one, not even you, stop what God is doing or is about to do in your life. May you become a positive point of reference. You are next in line. You will never be overlooked. You will never be abandoned. Your years of waiting are over. God will raise help and helpers for you. Heaven will help you. The Earth will not hold back. God will command all creation to help you. You will know God. You will experience His life-transforming power. You have become a testimony of His great mercy and power in Jesus’ name.
Wisdom Tip
“People suffer and delay their blessings because they keep trying to get from man what only God can give. Choose God over men” – Bola Adepoju
Prayer Focus
Ask God to forgive you for putting your trust in man. Thank God for seeking you out to show you great mercy. Thank Him for breaking the cycle of delay and rejection in your life. Ask God to change your mindset. Pray that as from today, your case will draw Heaven’s attention in Jesus’ name!
Pastor Bola Adepoju
Woman on Purpose
Genesis 18:14: Isaiah 59:1; Psalm 30:5
15th March, 2021 By Woman on Purpose
Angels visited Sarah and her husband on a day that looked like an ordinary day, but it wasn’t. It was a day of divine visitation. Just when her womb gets too old for babies, Sarah gets pregnant. She laughed when she was told she would have a baby in her old age. The angel asked, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?’ The obvious answer is, “No!!!” She had her baby at age 99!
Just when he thought his sin was too great for grace, God pardoned David. Glory hallelujah, Jesus came from the lineage of David! Just when Pharaoh and his chariots were about to catch up with the Israelites, the Red Sea parted. When the Israelites were confused and did not know which way to go, God sends help; a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. A message of doom came for Hezekiah to inform him his life was over and he should set his house in order. He cried on the Living God, and God restored his life. God can give you back your life. He can restore your destiny. He can forgive your sins, no matter how egregious. Yes, He can!
The lesson? Three words. Don’t give up. Don’t give up on God because He will not give up on you!
Is the road long? Don’t stop; keep going. Each step you take takes you closer to the finish line. Is the night too black? Don’t quit; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).
Isaiah 59:1 says, “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.”
Your story will end with testimonies. You will not die empty. Walls that have been built to make you a disappointment; walls that have been built to make you fail, stumble, fall, or quit will not prevail. They will be broken and destroyed. Just when… God will show up. Trust in Him, and Do Not Give Up!
Pray for the grace not to give up and keep your eyes on Jesus, no matter what is happening around you.

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